Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Poor Girls Lottery

So today the Poor Little Rich Girls hit a jackpot!  It falls under a small victory, perhaps, but it was monumental in turning the week around for us both.

So we work for a pretty small branch office of a much larger, global, engineering firm.  But for being small we have a pretty diverse group of people so we often support larger offices as the need arises.

Anyways late Monday night one of the Project Managers that I've worked quite a bit with in the last 6 months sent an email to my boss's boss letting him know how awesome me and another employee in our office had been to work with and how he looks forward to teaming with us in the new year.  We were each copied so we knew he sent it.  I was kinda like hey cool, well hopefully when they review Quarter 4 performance my name comes up for a bonus.

Nothing else came of it on Tuesday so I didn't really think anything more about it.  Then today my boss came and congratulated me on the email which was cool I guess.  Then Marisa and I went to Target over lunch (heaven knows we weren't going out-out to lunch) and when we got back I had an email from my boss's boss.

This is quite a compliment.
Take a friend to lunch and expense it

Thanks for all your efforts

Soooo we spent the whole rest of the day super pumped to go out to lunch tomorrow :)  Back when money grew on trees (or magic cards) it would have been like eh, cool.  Nice to be recognized always but at the end of the day it's just lunch.  Now it was like OMFG WHERE ARE WE GONNA GO????  THIS HAS TO BE THE BEST MEAL EVER!!!! It's amazing how going awhile without indulging makes going out to eat seem like the most amazing reward on the planet.

So maybe it wasn't quite the lottery but today for us it might as well have been.

<3 Jen

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